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Aind Photographic @nlarger. A Magazine of Popular Science for the Lecture-Room 3 and the Domestic Circle. Vol. 7—No. 90. NOVEMBER, 1896. Double Number. pifSs"sh" S2ue"9so0'S.
Each Magic Lantern ie efficient for exhibitions. The Lens givee crisp definition, being a superior Achromatic Photographic Combination with rack and pinion. It is fitted to a telescopic lengthening tube, so gaining increased focal accommodation. The Condenser ix composed of two plano-convex lenses of 4 inches diameter. The refulgent lamp has 8 wicks (or 4 wicka 29. extra), yielding a brilliantly itluminated picture.—Each is complete in box.
=~. | LANTERN PHOTOS. | : = | k ‘Plain, 1/-: Coloured, 1/8} SO/- Fuga . ALL ACCESSORIES REASONABLE PRICES
LIMES | ae : In Atr-light Cases,
Perforated Russian
Mahogany outside Body,; Beast Mahogany Body,
Jécancen siete | Russian Iron Lody Braas}SOFT -» Per doz., 1/- Iron Body, 2 Panelled Doora, Metal | Brasa Stage and 3-draw : , i Slides Ti: bes, 'HARD.. ‘i 1/6 Brags Sliding Tubes. Stages, Sliding Tubes. Telescopic Tubes,
2 E ~ > 9. ty AOD oAG, PaO WA OM AGP eD if 2s AE — aR an i : —— ; J a D4 a \ p rc ea . - aa? a 2A d e -2.@):- é ip : ’
ALTER TYLER has the Largest and Best Stock of Lanterns and W Slides in the World. Upwards of 200,000 Slides on Travel, Views. Seripture, Temperance, Comic Tales, Chromo- tropes, Effect Slides, etc., which can be purchased at most moderate prices, or can be had on Hire onspecially low terms. WALTER TYLER'S Helioscopie Lantern is the perfection of all Lanterns, 44 inch con- densers and extra large diameter lens, and gives a most wonderful light.
A large number of New Sets of Slides this season. Bi-unials and Triple Lanterns from £3 to £200. All requiring the very best value should not fail to send for the largest and most complete Book (upwards of 500 pages), which will be sent post free to any part of the world for six stamps, and contains a lot of most useful information for working all kinds of apparatus, and also a list of all the sets of Slides and the new Improve- ments in Lantern Appliance. Has cost several hundreds of pounds to produce, and is well known to be the best published. Without doubt the Best and Cheapest House in the World for everything connected with Magic Lanterns and Slides. Thousands of Slides and Lanterns second- hand: Great Bargains. For good quality of Articles, most Moderate
Prices, and Promptness in Despatch, WALTER TYLER cannot be surpassed. SECOND-HAND LANTERNS and SLIDES. Very Great Bargains. Catalogues sent Post Free.
WALTER TYLER, 48, 50, & 94, Waterloo Rd., “°32°"
il. ‘The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger.
| 1897 ‘Primus’ Lanterns. :< tne Gas ‘PRIMUS’ FOLDING LANTERN,
Lantern. Complete 1897 Up-to-Date. use
REGISTERED DESIGN. i with Incandes- | cent Gas, Acetylene, and Limelight.
Most... Convenient, —. Compact, Complete . — ; Lantern. Primus Extant.. . Lantern Stand, 258.
Price, complete
in case, with gas fittings and every- thing necessary,
&6 6s. Od.
Primus’ Limelight Projector (Patent),
six tinters, by
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P : . : ‘Primus' Gas Lantern, complete in case, as sent out. z 2 b]
a si W. BUTCHER & SON, BLACKHEATH, LONDON, S.E. Sz.Suateschcanarsazsrennts fits titty
The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. iii.
ete. Two Prize Medals. ene Proved superiorto ¢ ¢ 99 our new PERFECT ~ p all others, Single Lantern and az =<" ay See Reports. Automatic Dissolver
See Enthusiastic Testimonials from Pau. LanGE, Esq., G. E. THompson, Esq., Manchester Camera Club, and many others. ‘“*THE IDEAL," the Lantern of the future. Price £8 15s. complete. No. 3, Plainer Form, £6 68. complete. The Improved ‘‘PHOTINUS ” is the most powerful oil lantern in the world. Price £4 4s,
eee ee es gear ee ARCHER’S NEW OPAQUE SCREENS, just supplied to the Manchester Photo Will show to eens any distance from Society, as they proved, THE BEST OF ALL. (See Testimonial.) the screen, - “ :
ARCHER & SONS. Lantern Specialists and Manufacturers, 43 to 49, Lord Street, Liverpool.
Established 18,8, Illustrated Lists free, Effect Slides painted for Wholesale London Houses, All kinds of Slides made to order.
A PROFESSIONAL Lanternist of 20 years’ experience | l photo lantern slides, including Brighton views, is open to engagements, with or without his own Q
“ATTHEW'S portable Lantern, the most compact | &8iving up single lantern work.—C. J. Francis, Glenthorne, . and eflicient Optical Lantern onthe market; a few Bedford. 7 7 stock soiled for disposal at liberal discount for cash.— N AGNIFICENT coloured slides, 24 Life of Christ, L. Matthews, Strafford House, Hadley Green, Barnet. LY. 10s.; 12 Prodigal Son, 5s.; 24 Ten nights in a (\ REAT GLEARANCE SALE of New and Second Bar-room, 10s.; 20 Uncle Tom's Cabin, 93.; 14 Molloe’s hand High-class Lanterns, which must be sold.— | Curtain slides, 83.; 48 Edinburgh, 203. Following Walter Tyler’s £54 Triple, for £38 10s; quite new. uncoloured; 24 Grand statuary slides, 7s. 6d.; 12 Cloud Wrench’s treble rack telescope triple. A finetriple,4jin. | #0d Water effects, 4s.; lot of comics and effects cheap, condensers, ueed by Wilkie; complete with jet, dissolvers. | 1¢88 than one third cost price.—122, Grey Rock-street, A magnificent combination oxy-hydrogen microscope Everton, Liverpool. eee ee 7 ; by Ladd; cost £100; price £32 10s. A _ beautifully | ero lantern operator, disengaged after japanned modern tin triple, two Malden dissolving 21st November, 4 years with Col. Dyke, working taps, brass supply pipes, sct £9103. A ditto bi-unial, | complicated effects; also with Sir R. Ball, Dr. Roberts all complete, £5 10s. Bargains. Also Grand Effects. | and host of others.—M. Honour, care of Journal. Lecturer’s candle reading lamp, 3s. 3d. ; the ‘‘ Universal ’’ | [YOR sale, Beard’s tine adjustment regulator: Beard’s J-wick lantern, 4 inch condensers, £1 23. 6d.; 12 patent eclipse carrier; blow-through jet: 20 feet 3} coloured slides, 1s. 9d. a box; slipping slides, | rubber tubing; concert piccolo; large ventriloquial 6d.; 30 sets of life-model subjects, beautifully coloured, | figure. All equal new.—41, Marney-road, Clapham 1s. 3d. each; 50 seta of coloured photos; tales, 1s. each. | Junction.
Splendid value; lists frec.—W. C. Hughes, Brewster | | RAT sacrifice; offers invited. Lantern outfit House, Mortimer-road, Kingsland, London, N. It is complete, property of gentleman giving up ex-
worth your while to pay a visit to Brewster House, and’ hibiting, lantern by Tyler; blow-through jet; 4-wick to see the grand display of high-class optical lanterns, lamp; 40 feet oxygen cylinders; duplex regulator; tubing &e., and to get some bargains. — a lantern stand; 12 feet sheet; 5 slide boxcs; over 200 YOR sale, Steward’s standard bi-unial lantern at one- | glides; slide carrier; chemical tank.—For particulars,
¥ pee ro Ses 40 feet ek el and ap hese ae Lantern, 86, Fisherton-street, Salisbury. cylinders, with Beard's regulators; pair of theatrics NNUAL clearance sale of magic lanteros, dissolving aca soc pies siege oe Sea es ee A view apparatus, cylinders, screens, slides, nonbon slides by xork & Son, plain and coloured, at less than | effects, and sete of all descriptions, both plain and half wholesale prices.—Apply, Nicholson, Shanklin, S.-W. | coloured ; photographic apparatus, cameras, etc., all to “ ECTURER” candle lamp, scarcely used, with | be sold at great reductions to make room for new goods: candles, 9s. 6d.; several effect slides, cheap—— | plain photographic slides from nature, price 6d. each, F. Sbeaff. High-street, Dover. _ 7 per dozan, 5s.; magnificent flower, fruit, and bird slides ANH mahogany lantern, panelled doors, meniscus from nature, 4s. each, coloured; 15 Soripture slides condenser, large double combination front lens, | suitable for Easter, 3s. 6d. each, beautifully coloured ; 24 inches diameter; brass tinting doors, jet, cut-off tap, | hand-painted set, ‘‘ Eddystone Lighthouse,”’ 6 slides, 54s. ; and supply tubes at back, iron-bound travelling case. A | photographic skipping slide; ‘‘Li Hung Chung,” 3s — modern lantern, nearly new, price, £6: cost more than | Price list and full particulars post free from Alfred double last season.—Howard, 83, Fifth-avenue, Queen’s- | Underhill, dissolving view artist, 32, Clarendon-road,
park, London, W. 7 Croydon, Surrey. Pee Gratis to lanterniats willing to accept them. ANTERN Slides.—Westminster Abbey, 90; St Peek, Frean & Co., the Biscuit Manufacturers, Paul’s Cathedral, 50 ; Hampton Court Palace, 30
Drummond-road, S.E., are prepared to lend without | Animals at the Zoo, 90; London Streets, Statues and charge, aud to send, post free,a pair of Coloured Magic | Buildings, 100; Tower of London, 40; Hastings, East- Lantern Slides, se ieee two of their advertisement | bourne, Tunbridge Wells, Torquay, etc. All 6s. dozen.— pictures ; same subjects as before. John Stabb, 152, Kenaington-park-road, Notting Hill.
DAMS & Co.'s bi-unial] lantern, made throughout of ; very best mahogany; panelled doors, entire brass fronts, brass rails, brass supply tubes and by-pass dis- solver, plush velvet curtains at back, 4-inch condensers, extra large combination front lenses with interchangeable barrels, al of best safety blow-through limelight jets | and rackwork rolling curtain effect; the whole fitted complete in strong case, with two locke and keys; agreat bargain, practically new, take £15; to be seen any time.— 54, Cheapside, E.C,
PROFESSOR DE FRERE, Cambridge-villa, Cam- ‘
of about £12 worth of magnificent effect slides, beautifully coloured, take less than half price; list sent upon application; ‘* Wheel of Life,’’ 108.; 6 foot opaque
lantern screen on roller with cord and pulley, 103.; fold- |
ing cylinder stand, 3s. 6d.; acetylene gas generator, 15s. ; Beard’s guinea self-centering slide carrier, 108.; £12 photographic half-plate set, £6, fitted with Swift’s rapid paragon lens, with Iris.
ANTERN alide of a magnificent ‘‘ Breaking Wave" nearly thirty feet high, at the Wish Tower, East- |
bourne. Post free 1s. 2d. contact or reduction; obtained |; Bronze Medal.—W. Sparrow, Optician, 16, Pevensey- | road, Eastbourne.
AGIC lantern journal, Vol. 1, Nos. 3 to 12, Vol. 2,
13 to 17, also May 1892, to March 1894, (Janu- | ary 1893 missing), offers to James Lightwood, Lytham.
t : | 12 spirit photographs, 68.; lot of plain sets, sell at |
4d. per slide.—St. Clair, 6, Bow-lane, Fishergate,
Well known to be the BEST CUT,
and every one exact.
Everybody says they are the
No rough edges. All perfect.
or of one shape only. Full patterns sent free by post on receipt of 1d.
144 Binders in {s, box.
: made, 6s. doz. ; : Jennings, 11, Kade Road, Green-lanes, London, N.
black the other,or all black
The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger.
KF Sale. — Lantern outfit, comprising four guinea
optimus mahogany covered lantern, 9ft. screen, bamboo stand ; in boxes for carrying; only used about six times; virtually new; splendid condition; cost £6 net, accept half; carriage paid.—Samuel Clews, Newent, Glos.
slides, 80 Holy Land, 32s.; 50 Rhine, 20s. ;
| 50 South Africa, 20s.; 60 Ireland, 22s. 6d. ; GO Round the
World, 258.; 60 Liverpool to Niagara, 25s.; lot of other
‘ sets with readings, worth 1s. 6d. per slide, will be sold bridge-street, Tunbridge Wells, wishes to dispose |
at 5d. each; the new Fasinatograph for showing animated pictures with oil or limelight, price £5.— Professor, 7, Charles-street, Preston.
I-UNIAL lantern, (by Noakes), mahogany bottom, 4-inch condensers, part brass front, perfect con- dition, with strong travelling case, price £4 103.; viewed in City by appointment, or approval deposit; also high- class effect slides cheap; no approva). — Mitchell, Sunpydene, Forest-road, Wood-street, Walthamstow.
RAFALGAR and desth of Nelson, a_ splendid coloured slide of Nelson column, showing decora- tions, also the “ Victory’ in full decoration, 1s. 6d. each, post free. Slides coloured from 3s. doz., no daubs; negs. slides made from negs., 48.—-Horton &
SPLENDID bi-unial Jantern; suitable for an
institute or lecturer; well made; 9% in. objectives ; 4} in. condenser ; Noake’s patent dissolver ; cost £25 ; what offer; must be sold; seen any time.—G. C. Hoare, Decorator, 479, Green-lanes, Harringay, N.
If you cannot get them from your dealer, send 1s. 13d. and the
Liberal terms to dealers and
Address to the Sole Proprietors,
73, Lord St., LIVERPOOL.
free, white one side and
91, Gracechurch Street, E.C.
HAND CAMERAS, #1 1s. to £8 8s.
Speciality: FILM SYLIX for 80
Lantern Sundries.
Vol. 7.—No. 9o.
Price 2d., Post-free 3id.
CONTENTS. PAGE Notea.. .. ; 173 Some ‘American ‘Lantern. Apparatus . Py 177
Prominent Men ia the Lantern World. No. 1.—Mr. Walter Tyler 179
The Lantcrnist’s Practical Cyclopedia 1&) The Invention and Development of the Optical Lantern 181 Architecture ag a Subject for Lantern Slides . 183 The Electric Lisht in the oe Lantem 14 Blidea.. .. 187 Animated Photographa.. ae 189 Fresh Lantern Slide Work . 190 Environnents . 190 Can Dissolving Effecte be Produced with 8 a Single Lantern. - 191 $100,000 for Lantern Work.. 192 New Apparatua ive ane 198 The Lantern at the Royal Photcuraphic Socisty’s 8 : Exhibition ca 195 Editorial Table : 7 195 Correspondence 195
Notes and aeiterits .
THE Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger is issued on the lst of every month, price One Penny, and may be obtained from all Newsvendors, Railway News Stalls, Photographic Dealers, or from the Publishers, at the following rates, post free :—
United Btates. 12 months, including double numbers 2/6 .. 75 cents. Binglecopies .. .. .. .. . 24d. .. 8
Excuance Column, General Wants, &c. (not Trade) — First 20 words, 6d. ; and for every 3 additional words, ld.
SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS must reach the office not later than the first post on the 24th of each month. All cheques and postal orders to be made payable to the Magic Lantern Journal Company, Limited.
EpvITORIAL communications must be addressed, J. HAY TAYLOR. Advertisements and business com-
munications to the Magic Lantern Journal Company, Limited, 9, Carthusian Street. London, E.C.
American Agents:—The International News Co., 83 and 85, Duane Street, New York City.
Eastman Company. at
a o nad Photographic Exhibition at Manchester. —The annual exhibition of the Manchester Amateur Photographic Society will be held on the 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th inst. oe “t oa Burrelton Lantern Lecture.—The Rev. James A. Grabam, M.A., missionary, Kalim- pong, gave a lecture in the Burrelton school on the 3rd ulto. A series of about 150 magic lantern views of scenes in Northern India, native types, and other objects of interest were displayed on the screen, and lucidly described in turn. The Rev. W. A. Campbell, of Cargill,
' presided, and there was a very large attendance.
os “0- >
Animated Photographs at Brechin.— Animated photographs were given in Brechin on the 2nd ulto. by Mr. David Devant, of the Egyptian Hall, London. Several very clever conjuring and ‘entertaining musical sketches were included by Mr. Douglas Beaufort. The
The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. a
programme was varied and full of amuse- ment, affording an excellent opportunity for the display of his remarkable ability and skill as a ventriloquist, and also for his marvellous sleight-of-hand performances. The cinema- toscope was admirably manipulated by Mr.
C. W. Locke, whose name is well-known to our |
readers. Mr. Locke is also booked to operate animated photographs at Aberdeen, Peterhead, Montrose, Inverness, Macduff, Elgin, and other
co > >
Lantern Service at Rattray.—The popu-
larity of the optical lantern as an educative | force is now generally admitted, but if it were |
necessary the crowded attendance at the
Wesleyan Methodist Church on Sunday evening ;
at the opening of the lantern services was an additional proof that there were many who approved of being taught by tlie eye as well as the ear. Rev. D. C. Ingram took as his sub- ject—‘‘ The World’s Greatest Wonder,” and held the attention of his audience during the service. Mr. F. Russell manipulated tbe lantern.
oo >
Limelight and the Gospel at Dundee. —Last month Mr. T. M. Platt, of Glasgow,
nature at Dundee, using the lanterr for illus- trations connected with the subject. Great interest was taken in the proceedings which
were rendered very popular b the | ; 7 y Remponeh We been extending his workshops in consequence
good illustrations used. The lantern was ably manipulated by Mr. Scrimgeour, whose practical articles from time to time find a place in the columns of this journal.
- >
Cylinder Explosion — Club Reported Wrecked.—For some weeks past a report has been going the rounds that a portion of the premises of the Camera Club in Charing Cross Road had been wrecked by the explosion of a cylinder of compressed oxygen, and as no particulars respecting this were forthcoming, a further report got afloat that the management bad decided to keep the matter from the public and that all concerned had been pledged to secrecy, etc. The whole affair seems to have been a repetition of the story of the ‘‘ three black crows. Several structural alterations had been going on at the club premises, and when one or two members looked in at the dining room whilst the workmen were engaged in pulling down a lath and plaster partition, one member remarked that it reminded him of the general appearance that a room might have had a
| explosion.
cylinder of compressed gas exploded in it. When speaking of how the alterations were getting on, this was repeated to a non- member, and after a few repeatings it was said that the damage to the walls in question was caused by the explosion of a cylinder. So the story grew, and it is quite possible that by this time the report may have grown to include the deaths of several of the members by the As a matter of fact, in the club’s lantern the electric light is used, and it is some considerable time since they had cylinders of
| gas on their premises.
< ~»
Acetylene Gas at New Zealand. — Mr. D. R. Eunson, of Mornington, has been the first person in his part of the country to give a public demonstration of acetylene gas. On August 8th be explained its uses and gave practical demonstrations at the City and Suburban Tramways Company's offices with a small apparatus constructed by himself. He connected a gasalier with two service pipes, one
_house gas and the other acetylene, and showed
the relative intensity between these two gases, and also an admixture of the two by the mani- pulation of the two taps. Great enthusiasm prevailed at the demonstration, and it is likely
gave a series of lectures of an evangelical | that acetylene will shortly be applied in New
Zealand for practical purposes. a & ~
Mr. F. Brown’s New Address.—Mr. F. Brown, who within the past two years has
of increased business, finding that it was im- possible to further enlarge them at Ossulston Street, N.W., has given the task up and moved into more commodious premises at 13, Gate Street, Queen Street, W.U., where he has much
' greater facilities for the manufacture of the
Gridiron saturator, Stedman's automatic oxy-
' gen generator, jets, and numerous limelight and
other appurtenances. o a The Lantern at Forfar.—On the 17th ult. the juvenile lodge of I.0.G.T. enjoyed a pleasant
/ evening with the lantern, the subjects being
‘‘The Lifeboat,” ‘‘ Billy’s Rose,” ‘ Road to Heaven,” together with a number of local views. This, together with a few songs and recitations enabled a most enjoyable evening to be spent.
> ba oa
Stereoscopic Views.—Mr. H. Cornthwaite, of the Imperial Arcade, Birmingham, is supply- ing stereoscopic views at prices, according to subject and quality, to suit all pockets, viz., from 8s. 6d. to 488. per dozen.
NOYES Which takes and projects on the screen moving pictures which are amongst the most wonderful things of these times. The DE BEDTS KINETOGRAPH takes the negatives «nd projects the positives, and besides these two purposes is also available aS an ordinary Kinetoscope, Largest Stock of Films, and largest Films, Printing, and Developing Works on
_the Continent. | eBeco All Iilms are made for Exhibition on the standard size Edison Kinetoscope ; they are from 16 to 21 metres in length; other sizes and lengths in stock.
New and Topical Films always in Preparation. Living Pictures of Parisian and Continental Life.
Head Office, 368, Rue St. Honore. General Manager :
Kinetoscope Printing Works, 364, Rue St. Honore. Finishing and Enlarging Department, 283, Fg. St. Honore. [ GEO. W. de BEDTS. Steam Works, Rue Froidevaux.
FOR COMMERLIAL PURPOSES WE SELL Perforating Machines, Positive Printing Machines, Developing Machines,
vi. The Optical Magic Lantern J ournal and Photographic Enlarger.
THE PENDANT SATURATOR. Revolution in Jets 1
j wwuovwwoe wvuwowewoww
cYo oxveas a
vonroeo rapa Jay
a } | greeaneia i, SOO / qm, TO OXYGEN :
3 pucicaie CANDLE-POWER. Capacity equal to 20 cubic feet | of Hydrogen.
Zeeman: & oa ee MANUFACTURERS mistou, No trouble from |;
. . |
fluid in tubes, |
go" recanesenss vo GWYEP'S Patent Jet
readjustment of tap ;
required after starting. : Was FIRST in the recent
Great brilliancy
Price 808. On the 22nd of JANUARY, Is equally efficient for Mixed Gases and Ether.
Write for Pasiealars to tise Rieweatectaners—
6844 380g anbojD309 -/G@ wo1y ANVTd TVOOA ‘SIL BR wor -/OF m013 LOHS dVNS = -/9% Moa OIdOOSOAYALS ‘SIEPLOH] eg yualvg "Bu}X9 Q/E ‘UuOYBajpuy psadG Q/8T wou ddIug CAAT, Pus puNg yeUL0}NY | saga] e2OUL 20 OA Ay [[fn 1993NGS sutUs eyL “uoNTIgrA Wwoqits ‘ginoy 20 ‘29qgnqg Burpnput ‘sorrg saqnutar 03 du paso 8 40 yuONoUIs BIOIZ ‘UOT, INP AttB JO yaINKOdxa AaAID *yeyayy pus dyqeueayz0 Ay "ZaRBAI 9q} Ur yastdIga yaOUW 043 A[[eoNNOBIg PUB A[[woOlLJarooNT WI0q 4] Gl yoapweg 9 “sBvIaMIBD JaqIO Ue pouTa4uod 40U gainqse; (syoode Auval supy “8150T8D 00} QIpu dn sploj pue quol.7 073 paqoez78 St 2939NGS NY¥BLivd Kanu aba IWV9
SNO@ue}Ue}SU} pue JIL
Gold Medal for Amateur Photographers. OPTICAL LANTERN LECTURES,
DARLINGTON'S HANOBOOKS. | tI = igi Henry Ponsonby is commanded by the By RALPH DARLINGTON, F.R.G.S. “ J ss , seal ca Mr, Darlington for a copy of | My qravela j in Gree and bite sella rg one the Mie ate ks DO ss "Nothing better could be wished for.” — 6 in Greece. Turkey and Asia Minor— peur de: eunh. 8 British Weekly. Across North aAtrica—90 Slides.
“ Far euperior to ordinary guides.""—London Daily Chronicle, Se ye ype dp suceeaee aad the Bay of Neples—80 Slides. Thus trated. Mapa by Jonn BarruHoromeEw, F.R.G.8 i ights of Rome—50 Slides
The Vale of Llangollen. Aberystwith, Towyn and Barmouth. The onstantinople and its People.
North Wales Coast. Bournemouth & the New Forest. The Isle of |; Prospectuses and Terms for Lectures on Application.
Wight. The Wye Valley. The Channel Islands. The Severn Valley. | Llangolien: Darlington & Co, London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co., Ltd. R, DARLINGTON, Greenheys, Llangollen, North Wales.
The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger.
P. S. & R.—Messrs. Perken, Son & Rayment advise us that their lease of the premises of their Oxford Street Branch having lapsed by effuxion of time, al] business will be trans- acted from their head-quarters, 99, Hatton Garden, Holborn Viaduct, E.C.
ba & >
Political Lectures.—Messrs. Nettleship & Rose, lantern specialists, of 61, Highbury Quadrant, having made a great success of their lecture, ‘‘ Tne Independents, and what they have done for England,” which is still running, are busy preparing a lecture on ‘‘ The Battle of the Schools.” This firm’s lectures are accom- panied by good lantern slides.
oe = =
A Hint to our Advertisers.— Mr. Pettigrew, of Melbourne, Australia, suggests that all advertisers in the Macic LANTERN JOURNAL, should add the prices of what they advertise therein, and adds, “ Readers of your journal in Australia often see an article advertised therein, which is likely to suit their require- ments, but in many instances no price is stated in the advertisement, and we first have to write to England for the price, and then write again ordering the goods with the money. All this takes time—generally five months — which could be altered if the advertisers would in the first instance quote the prices in their advertise- ments.”
oo > ~~
Stanley Show-—Photographic Competi- tions.—In conjunction with the Stanley Cycle Show to be held at the Royal Agricultural Hall, London, from 21st to 28th inst., a photographic competition will be held, it being the intention to award gold, silver, and bronze medals, seven- teen in all. Full particulars and entry forms can be obtained from Mr. Walter D. Welford, 57 and 58, Chancery Lane, W.C.
“o» oo a
Old Photographs and Appliances.—One of the features of the late exhibition of the Lewisham Camera Club was an exhibit by Mr. A. L. Henderson, who before retiring was a prominent London photographer. He attended and explained the various articles shown (to an admiring audience)— these consisted of vitrified enamels, Daguerrotypes dated from 1851, glass positives by various processes which retained quite a brilliant appearance, old water lenses, plate coating machine, a camera made in 1840, with uncorrected lens and scale for adjustment, pantoscopic camera, a camera turn table made in 1854, Stebbing’s roll holder camera of 1866, balloon camera used in French war, and a
variety of other interesting apparatus. As we learned that this was only a small portion of the old apparatus in his possession, one can form the opinion that Mr. Henderson possesses a fine museum of photographic apparatus of by-gone days. a > > Photique Art.—It may not be generally known that the set of ‘‘ Ben Hur” slides published by Messrs. Riley Bros., and which have become vastly popular, partly by reason of the recent law case reported in our last journal, is the work of Mr. F. F. Weeks from living Jewish models. Mr. Weeks has erected studios at 263, Cannhall Road, Leytonstone, where, having a large stock of costumes, models, scenes, etc., he is prepared to make pictorial representations suited for any subject. We have known Mr. Weeks in connection with business for several years, and can say he is a thorough artist. > > > Photographic Exhibition at Hackney.— On 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th inst., the annual exhibition of the Hackney Photographic Society will be held at Morley Hall, Hackney. Entry forms and particulars may be obtained from Mr. W. Fenton-Jones, 12, King Edward Street, Hackney, N.E. bad > baad Wrench’s Cinematograph.— We learn that a number of these instruments are now in use in the provinces, and that the exhibitors are making good financial headway. > > Acetylene Explosion in Paris.—On the afternoon of the 17th ult., a disastrous explosion occurred at the acetylene compressing works of M. Raoul Pictet, in the Rue Championnet, Paris. It appears that several supposed-to-be-empty cylinders which had been returned to be filled with acetylene, compressed to liquefaction, were being handled, when one, which had been returned without being first emptied, exploded with great force, killing two men and wrecking the premises. It is surmised that the workman believing the cylinder to be empty, unscrewed the valve in close proximity to a light. All users of acetylene gas in Paris must notify the police under pain of a penalty. % ~~ Hill — Koenig.—At Emmanuel! Church, Maida Vale (August 26th), marriage was celebrated between Henry James Hill and Florence Koenig. The respected fathers of the bride and bridegroom are Prof. Koenig, of Edgware-road, W., one of our greatest authorities in lanterns and their manipulation, and Mr. W. R. Hill,
our old artist, who first made his reputation in the days of the old Polytechnic. Congratula- tions all round. o & baad
Chandler's Camera Concert.—On 20th ult., at the Restaurant Frascati, under the auspices of the elite of the cycling world, Mr. H. P. Chandler gave an excellent smoking concert, assisted by a number of professional vocalists and instru- mentalists. During the evening Mr. Chandler, who shines as a lantern exhibitor, as well as a cyclist, projected about 200 slides illustrative of ‘Lights and shades of cycling life,” ‘‘ Up the river in a steam launch,” and a set of artistic pictures especially intended for the ladies. Everything at the lantern went briskly, the descriptions were short but graphic, and Mr. Chandler was voted a jolly good fellow.
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‘‘ Shakespeare’s Town and Times.’’—
It may be of interest to our readers to know
that Her Majesty the Queen has been pleased !
to accept a copy of ‘‘ Shakespeare’s Town and |
Times,” which publication, from the pens of
Mr. and Mrs. Snowden Ward, we commented |
on in our issue for September. baad
Ceylon on the Screen.—On the 7th ulto., Captain W. Morrison, of the Army Medical Staff, gave an interesting lecture before the Edinburgh Photographic Society on ‘‘ Ceylon, its Scenery, Temples, and Industries.’’ The lantern illustrations were greatly admired.
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‘*A Nicht wi’ Buens.’’—The editor of the People’s Friend lent his admirable set of slides, illustrative of the above, last month to the Good Templars’ Lodge at Monifieth, and in consequence quite an impetus has been given to lantern work in this district. ro oo
Home Scenes.—It is surprising how often one will see a thing without perceiving, and with what zest amateur photographers will take journeys of several miles away from home, when all the time excellent subjects and picturesque bits are to be found practically at their doors. Mr. R. Ralph, a well-known London solicitor, takes great delight in giving free lantern exhibitions to the poor children in the south-west of London, and lately prepared a number of slides from subjects with which they should be familiar. Amongst them was one of the well-known miniature waterfalls at Battersea Park. When this was projected on the screen he said: ‘‘ Now boys, you will all
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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger.
know where this is, for it is practically in your own playground.” He expected everyone to call out the name, but, instead, there was silence; and at last one boy called out ‘«‘ Niagara Falls.” The picture being considered an excellent one, Mr. Ralph ventured ‘‘ Do you think you have seen anything like it in Battersea Park, near where the majority of you live.” The scene was immediately recognised, and the applause that the picture and Mr. Ralph got was simply deafening.
Holloway Social Union.—On Wednesdays up till December 16th, a number of excellent evenings have been arranged to be held at Warlter’s Road Lecture Hall, Camden Road, Holloway. Season or other tickets may be obtained from the Hon. Sec., Mr. Frank How, ‘‘ Oakville,” Holly Park, Crouch Ind, N. Lantern illustrations will be used at many of the meetings. The series commenced last month, and will be continued as follows :— November 4th, vocal and instrumental recital ; November 11th, lecture, Ralph Waldo Emerson, a study; November 18th, soiree: November 25th, discussion, ‘‘ George Meredith ” ; Decem- ber 2nd, dramatic recital; December 9th, lecture, ‘‘ Socrates’; December 16th, Christmas entertainment.
> & &
A Lady Lecturer and Slide Maker.— When the Rev. I. M. Bacon went to Norway a short time ago with the recent eclipse expedi- tion he was accompanied by his daughter, who took a great number of photographs. These she has converted into lantern slides, and has also written an interesting account of the expedition. This illustrated lecture she gave for the first time a fortnight ago at Newbury, under the presidency of Sir Francis Jeune. Miss Bacon was highly complimented, and the entertainment was voted a huge success.
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Lantern Slides and their Production.—- In the course of a lecture at the North Middlesex Photographic Society, Mr. E. Docree maintained that with gelatino-bromide plates as fine results could be obtained as with collodion, added to which there was the advantage of rapidity ; also that much dner slides were obtained by reduction than by contact. He got all his clouds on the same negative by first using a weak developer, then a stronger restrained one.
a ~~ ~~
New Method of Generating Electricity. —News comes to hand that M. Hartz has obtained a patent in France for a cheap elec-
The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. vii.
SANDS, HUNTER & Co., — SEASON 1896-97. — Photographic Apparatus and Lanterns,
NEW AND BECOND HAND, BY ALL THE BEsT MakERS, | | he List Lantern Lanterns and Operator let out for evening enter- of New Slides tainments for children, &o. Terms Moderate. ) a a
20, Cranbourne St., Leicester Square, London, W.C. Cranbourne St., Leicester Square, London, W.C. Is now ready, and will be sent on application.
SLIDES for SALE or HIRE. To avoid disappointment, orders should be placed
Slides Made and Coloured from Customers’ at once. Own Negatives. Photos, Engravings, etc.
T. T. WING, aa7/37, CHATTERIS, CAMBS. | 2, st. Swithin’s Street, ABERDEEN.
Patent 24761/93. Price 30s.
This is the only perfect Mixed Jet which can be worked with coal-gas taken direct from the town supply, and oxygen at
high pressure from acylinder. It combines the full efficiency of a mixed jet with the safety, economy and convenience of
a blow-through. Blow-through jets are quite superseded by it. An ordinary mixed jet which will produce any given
candle-power when supplied with both gases under pressure will, when fitted with our Injector, give the same Power
when taking its coal-gas supply from the house service-pipe. When required the jet can be worked with both gases taken from cylinders just as an ordinary mixed jet.
All further particulars from—
For Limelight, Medical, Metallurgical, and other purposes.
OXYGEN ot Guaranteed Purity supplied in Cylinders of the Best BRITISH Manufacture, and complying with allthe established Trade and Railway Regulations
The public are respectfully informed that all Cylinders which are filled by the Brin Companixs (whether their own or their Customers) are labelled with the Companies’ Trade Mark. This label guarantees the purity of the Gas, and is a further guarantee that the Cylinder has been tested and proved sound in every respect by the Brin Company which has filled it. Cus- tomers who wish to procure BRIN's OXYGEN are requested to see that the Cylinders supplied to them bear this label, which is also stamped with the date on which the Cylinder was filled.
The Works of the Brin ComPaNIEs are open during business hours to the inspection of their Customers, who are at liberty to test the quality of Gas being manufactured, and to watch their own Cylinders being tested and filled. Registered
Trade Mark.
Price Lists of Gases, Cylinders, and all Accessories, can be obtained from the Company's accredited Agents, or will be sent Post free on application
BRIN'S OXYGEN COMPANY, Limited, 34, Victoria Street, WESTMINSTER, S.W. Works—69, Horseferry Road, WESTMINSTER, 5.W.
viii, ‘The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger.
The Success of the Photographic Season.
Slips into the Pocket easily. Weighs only 7 Ounces. LOADED AND UNLOADED IN DAYLIGHT.
Carries a Spool of Film for 12 Exposures.
THE POCKET KODAK is equipped with an achromatic lens of superb
definition, giving pictures capable of enlargement to almost any size.
It is provided with a set of three stops, and a shutter of rotary form, which is always set, making Time or Instantaneous Exposures at will. A rectangular view finder shows the exact scope of view.
Each exposure is clearly indicated by a number which ts seen through a red window at the back of the Camera.
THE POCKET KODAK is beautifully made, of exquisite finish, daintily covered with leather, and a piece of high-class workmanship throughout.
PRICE loaded with film for 12 Exposures, £1 Is.
EASTMA alee : “ omen —
115-117 Oxford Street, London, W.
Paris: 4 Place Venddme. RocuesTer, N.Y., U.S.A. Eastman Kodak Co
The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger.
trical storage battery in which the electricity is generated by the vibrations of the transverse rays disclosed by Réntgen’s experiments under the pressure of atmospheric air. He asserts that his apparatus can keep twenty lamps of 10 c.p. going for about 8,000 hours.
o <
New Slides.—Messrs. Newton have issued |
their new season’s list of lantern slides, and among them we note the following series: The Queen's reign; The life of the Duke of Wellington ; Wood-carving ; Egypt and Nile in 1896 ; Italy; Prehistoric man; Poultry rearing ; A further series of birds and nests, by R. B. Lodge; India; New photography ; Constanti- nople, 1896, etc., ete. > > baad
Matthews’ Lantern.—The Matthews’ port- able lantern, introduced three years ago, and generally recognised as a pioneer of portable lanterns, has since last season been improved, notably by an enlarged hood or body, which will permit the use of an oil lamp, incandescent
gas burner, acetylene gas jet, limelight jet, or |